Cress Creek Garden Club of Naperville, Inc.

Cress Creek Garden Club of Naperville, Inc.
Donations to Community Non-profits
The Cress Creek Garden Club, through our fundraising efforts, make donations to community non-profits. Non-profit organizations can request consideration. A selection committee will then review the requests followed by a recommendation to the Board of Directors for their approval. Selection is based on the CCGC budget and the organizations' requests that align with the mission of Cress Creek Garden Club.
Quick Access to:
* Click on the name of the organization to access their website
They work with volunteers to grow vegetable gardens, These gardens then supply local food pantries with fresh produce. We also manage community gardens for our friends and neighbors.
Organization dedicated to preserving and restoring open space, protecting rivers and watersheds and promoting stewardship of the environment in Northeastern Illinois.
DuPage Care Center provides long and short-term rehabilitative care to individuals needing support for the activities of daily living. Our donation was given for the horticulture therapy program of gardening, nature, and the outdoors.
The mission of Hesed House is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless and give people the chance to hope again. It is the second largest homeless shelter in the state of Illinois. More than 100 homeless people are now being sheltered.
Empowering people of all ages experiencing autism, intellectual and emotional disabilities, and their families to live, learn work and thrive in their communities. We donated to them last year and they created raised beds for the resdients to learn gardening and scientific skills.
In the past year Loaves & Fishes has provided food and support to 8000 individuals weekly and 2500 families. In addition to providing food support their CARES program, which includes a car program, emergency financial assistance, legal support, emotional support, health care and
screening, job search assistance, and public benefit assistance, are also provided services.
It promotes organic suburban agriculture to improve the well-being of our community, the environment, and those facing food insecurity. It collaborates with food pantries to grow fresh produce for households facing hunger.
The greenhouse and garden center provides job training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.